Meeting #16

Panels: Capacity Shortfall Forecast (Discussion); State Activity on Demand Resources (Shane Rooney, PA PUC; Calvin Timmerman, MD PSC); Implementing the PJM Demand Response Roadmap (Susan Covino, PJM); Advanced Metering; Energy Efficiency and Wholesale Markets (Paul Peterson, Synapse)

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Meeting #15

Panels: PJM Developments – Demand Response in RPM, Demand Response Symposium (Susan Covino, PJM); Low Cost Deployment of Investments to Support Dynamic Pricing in Ontario (David Curtis, Hydro One); Regional Approaches to Monitoring and Verification of Demand Response (Grayson Heffner, LBNL); BGE Pilot (Wayne Harbaugh, BGE); Discussion of a Regional Goal for Demand Response, and follow up to the “Brattle Report”

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Meeting #14

Panels: Demand Response Activity in the States (Calvin Timmerman, MD; Karen Moury, PA; Mike Winka, NJ; Janis Dillard, DE; Dan Cleverdon, DC); Discussion of Brattle Report

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Meeting #13

Panels: The MADRI Action Plan; Report to Congress on demand response entitled “Assessment of Demand Response and Advanced Metering”; Smart Power DC Press Release; Report from NERA on AMI, time-based rates, and net metering; NARUC and EPA workshop presentations for “Aligning Regulatory Incentives with Demand-Side Resources” on August 2; Presentations – “Real-time Pricing is the Real Deal” – Anthony Star, Community Energy Cooperative-Chicago; Report on recent PJM activities on advanced metering – Brad Johnson; Pacific Coast Demand Response and DG Programs – Jim Lazar; FERC Staff Report on Demand Response and Advanced Metering – Carol Brotman White; “Costing Methodology for Electric Distribution System Planning”

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