Meeting #54 - The Evolution of Distributed Resources in Restructured States

Date - December 3, 2019

Location - District of Columbia Public Service Commission, Commission Hearing Room, Suite 800, 1325 G Street NW, Washington, DC

After more than 50 meetings, the MADRI Steering Committee decided to “declare victory” and wind down the initiative. This was the final MADRI meeting.

When MADRI began 15 years ago, states were still struggling to introduce competition in retail energy supply. PJM was newly organized as the nation’s first regional transmission organization and competitive wholesale electricity market operator. There was very little deployment of distributed energy resources (DERs) in the MADRI states (or elsewhere), and PJM’s market rules were not conducive to DER participation. MADRI was started as a forum for stakeholders from multiple perspectives to learn about DERs together, share ideas and lessons learned, and work through challenges collaboratively – outside of the official stakeholder forums at PJM and contested cases before the state utility commissions and FERC.

In the last 20 years, retail electric choice has been established in the MADRI states, with many competitive electric suppliers. Within that, DER deployment is growing at a remarkable pace, and some DERs are earning revenue in PJM’s capacity market.

Much of what the founders of MADRI envisioned has come to fruition. This is cause for celebration. At our final MADRI meeting, we have in mind a graduation ceremony, not a funeral.

Agenda - pdf


9:30 – 10:00am           Networking with attendees

10:00 – 10:15am          Introductions

The Honorable Harold Gray, Commissioner, DE Public Service Commission
John Shenot and Janine Migden-Ostrander, Regulatory Assistance Project

10:15 – 11:45am          The Future of DERs in Restructured States

Jessie Mehrhoff, Navigant
Lori Murphy Lee, PJM Interconnection
Rodney Sobin, National Association of State Energy Officials
Kyle Fricker, U.S. Department of Energy

We’ll start the day with a panel of leading voices in the industry who will share their crystal ball visions for the future of DERs in restructured states. They’ll also discuss what needs to happen to make their vision a reality, and how state officials and other stakeholders can collaborate to get there. Topics to be discussed will include markets and trends for DERs, how they might participate in the PJM market, grid-interactive efficient buildings, and the prospects for community solar and the National Community Solar Partnership.

11:45 – 12:30pm         Lunch

12:30 – 2:00pm          Current Hot Topics for DERs in Restructured States

John Shenot, Regulatory Assistance Project
Michael Winka, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Andrew Levitt, PJM Interconnection

This session will feature updates on some of the most interesting current developments relating to DERs in the MADRI states. First, we’ll hear about the newest MADRI work product, Integrated Distribution Planning for Electric Utilities: Guidance for Public Utility Commissions. Next, we’ll get a presentation on New Jersey’s implementation of microgrids. Finally, the session will finish with an update on PJM’s engagement with stakeholders on implementation of the new IEEE 1547-2018 standard for DER interconnections.

2:00 – 3:00pm            MADRI Retrospective/Celebration of Success

Rich Sedano, Regulatory Assistance Project
David Kathan, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Larry Mansueti, U.S. Department of Energy (retired)
Susan Covino, PJM Interconnection (retired)
Calvin Timmerman, Maryland Public Service Commission staff (retired)
Dan Cleverdon, District of Columbia Public Service Commission staff (retired)
Others TBA

For the last session at the last MADRI meeting, we’ll hear from some of the key players who made MADRI successful over the past 15 years. They will share opinions and stories about what was accomplished, how MADRI helped them succeed in their own jobs, and what they think we learned from this long-running experiment in collaboration.

3:00 – 3:15pm             Wrap-Up, Adjournment

The Honorable Harold Gray, Commissioner, DE Public Service Commission
John Shenot and Janine Migden-Ostrander, Regulatory Assistance Project

Remote Participation

Web address:

Meeting name: MADRI

Meeting number: 627 776 844

Meeting password:  sMWiF267

Teleconference call-in:
1-866-546-3377 (US)

Participant passcode: 282143